What you should know about the redbud tree
Redbuds are one of the first trees to bloom in the spring and typically bloom a little before or about the same time as flowering crabs.
Redbuds are easily identified by their fuchsia/lavender blooms and oriental looking umbrella shaped canopy. Another way to identify redbuds is that blooms appear before the leaves.
Trees grow 20-30 feet tall and are grown in both tree form and multiple stem shrub form.
Thanks to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, we in North Iowa can now enjoy these beautiful trees. Through careful selection, the arboretum staff selected the most north hardy redbuds from a variety that were planted there. The descendants of these hardy trees are now grown and sold as “Minnesota Strain Redbuds”. We highly recommend that you only plant the variety Minnesota Strain Redbuds here in North Iowa.