What’s NEW for Trees
The number of new varieties of plants coming on the market is literally exploding!! We struggle to keep up with all of the new options. Growers are propagating new varieties of old favorites that are now more disease resistant, less finicky about watering, grow faster, bloom longer, have more vibrant colors, and are dwarf versions of the parent plants.
At Natural Plus we carry a large collection of some of these newer varieties, as well as the “old favorites”. Here are a few of the newer varieties that might interest you:
Shade/Larger Trees:
Elms – Elms are back! The elms that survived Dutch Elm Disease have now been propagated and are resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Elms have a beautiful upright vase shape and would add a nice option to your yard.
Maples– Some maples are selected for fast growth, some for vibrant fall colors, etc. Many of these have now been crossed and have both characteristics. Some newer varieties of maples include:
Autumn Blaze: A cross between a silver and red maple. Upright growth. Vibrant red fall color. Fast growing but not as sturdy as hard maples.
Brandywine: A cross between October Glory and Autumn Flame. A small seedless maple (25’). Outstanding fall color from red to red/purple.
Burgundy Belle: Oval shape. Grows to 45’. Fall color brilliant red changing to intense burgundy.
Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple: Leathery green leaves, resistant to sun scald and frost cracks. 50-75’. Fall color oranges and reds.
Red Sunset: 2000 Tree of the Year, A Rubrum Maple, upright, brilliant red fall color, grows 50’
Magnolias – We are offering some varieties this spring that are hardy for our zone:
Royal Star: Small tree 10-15’, Small white fragrant blooms spring
Gold Star: Grows 20-30’, Light yellow flowers spring
Sunburst: Grows 30’, Lemon yellow flowers spring
Crab trees add spring color to your landscape
Smaller/Dwarf Trees:
For people with small spaces, there is now a wider selection of dwarf trees.
Crabs are now resistant to Cedar Apple Rust (which caused the trees to lose their leaves mid-summer). The apples are very small and will be cleaned by birds. Some newer selections of crabs include :
Camelot: A very small crab with blossoms changing from red buds to pink to white, very small berries, grows 10’
Prairie Fire: One of the deepest pink/red blooms, small berries, 15-20’
Royal Raindrops: Burgandy red foliage with deep pink blossoms, grows 20’
Tree Hydrangeas : These are basically a hydrangea bush on a stem and grow only 8-12’ tall! We carry several varieties including:
Limelight: Lime green/white large blooms in summer, grows 8’
Quick Fire: Large white blooms turning deep pink/red, grows 6-8’
Vanilla Strawberry: Large white blooms turning pink, grows 6-8’
Tree Lilacs: These are basically a Dwarf Korean Lilac or a Miss Kim Lilac on a stem. These will bloom in early June and the fragrance will fill your entire yard. Grow 5-6’.
Read more about what we recommend for SPRING FLOWERING TREES.