
Stop and Smell the Lilacs


The smell of lilacs in May is a spring delight.

If you stop out at the nursery this week you will see and smell the 65+ year old lilac which was planted near a hog house at the time. When the hog house went down, the lilac was spared and we still get to enjoy it every year. You will see it near the apple tree section as you walk in to the nursery. 

Most people are familiar with the older varieties of lilacs. Now there are more options to enjoy. Here are some that we carry:

  • Common purple and common white. These old varieties are still a good choice and make an excellent single specimen or windbreak. They bloom in May and are long-lived and sturdy. These two varieties of lilacs get quite large – 12-15 feet or more.

  • French lilacs. Bloom in May and are typically smaller (8-12’) with colored blooms.  Some of our favorites are:               

    •  Beauty of Moscow – rose pink, double blooms

    • Chas Jolly –  magenta,  double blooms

    • Pocahontas – deep purple, single blooms

    • Sensation- deep purple with white edge

  • Dwarf lilacs. Bloom in June, typically grow 4-5’ tall ,and are very fragrant. Some varieties include

    •  ·      Dwarf Korean – small lilac purple fragrant  blooms                             

    • Bloomerang – similar to Dwarf Korean, but will rebloom       later in the season

  • Tree Lilacs  - Tree forms vary in size and shape. All bloom in June. Some include:

    •  Dwarf Korean – grow 6-7’ tall with rounded shape, small purple fragrant blooms, single stem

    •   Miss Kim – grows 7-9 ‘ tall, more open shape, purple blooom

    •    Ivory Silk – a form of Japanese Tree lilac – white blooms –grows as a single stem or clump form – grow 15-20

    • Japanese Tree Lilac – white blooms- grows as single stem or clump – 25-30’