
things to consider when planning your Perennial Gardening

Have you always wanted to plant a perennial garden but didn’t have the time or know-how? In these days of staying at home, this may be the perfect time to plan out your garden.

 What’s the difference between a perennial and an annual?

Perennials are plants/flowers that die down in the fall and come back year after year.  Once a perennial garden is established the yearly cost and time for planting are minimal. Annuals are plants/flowers that must be purchased and replanted every year.

 Another difference between annuals and perennials is that annuals mostly bloom all season long, while most perennials have a relatively short blooming season. So one key to planting a perennial garden is to choose plants that have different blooming times.

Things to Consider When Planning Your Perennial Garden:

1.    How big do you want the garden to be? (Usually smaller is a good way to start and/or plant in an area that you can expand later)

2.    Is the area sun or shade or a combination? Choose your plants accordingly.

3.    How big do you want the plants to grow? And will the garden be visible from all sides or from only one side? If visible from 1 side, taller plants should go in the back. If visible from all sides, taller plants should be in the middle. In general allow at least 3 feet as a minimum width.

4.    Plan out your garden on paper.  Study your top pick of plants. Determine their width, height, and bloom time and if they require sun or shade.  Make sure the plants are suitable for your plant zone. Northern Iowa is Zone 4. Choose plants zones 1-4.

5.    Prepare the soil by tilling if possible. Buy your plants.

6.    Before planting, place the plant pots where they will go and reassess your plan for spacing, etc. Then have fun planting! 

7.    Mulch the garden.  This will minimize weeding and help hold moisture.

8.    Water plants once or twice a week depending on rain and heat. (Do not water every day.)

9.    The first season, plants will need a little more attention with mulching, weeding, and watering. After 1 or 2 seasons, they become much less work.

 Want more information on our favorite perennials and when they bloom?

We’ve got a free guide just for you!